Alcine Kids

Tomorrow’s audiences and the future of cinema are the kids of today. That is why ALCINE is going to keep talking
to a new generation in the language of film.

We will be screening short films from around the world, which are made using a wide variety of animated film techniques, to open doors to imagination and to other ways of making film; a far cry
from the standardised world of commercial cinema we are used to.

These are freer and more creative proposals from all over Europe, a kind of cinema different to what is normally offered on the television and at multiplexes. Cinema that is new and different, which is able to fascinate and open doors to new horizons and worlds.

Whole classes or kids with their parents will have a very special and fun space; their own festival at the height of their eyes, at ALCINE KIDS.


ALCINE is approaching and with it, the activities designed by and for children. As in other years we will have children's sessions for children from 3 and 6 years.


Workshops for kids and families

The workshops aim at the development of logical thinking and a cineastic view through different activities related to the world of animation.

We create the sensation of movement using different techniques in which the children challenge their imagiantion and creativity and enhance essential aspects of their personal developmen, like for example attention, concentation, interaction, individual work as well as group work, learning, memory and cognition.

No special talent or knowledge in drawing or animation is required, we ask only to be in a mood for enjoying yourself and learn something new. 


Inauguración (con invitación)
Clausura (con invitación)
Concierto de Aldona
Concierto Orquesta Ciudad de Alcalá
Palmarés Pantalla Abierta
Taller para niños de 6 a 10 años
Taller para niños de 10 a 14 años
Concierto Orquesta Ciudad de Alcalá
Palmarés Cortos
Clausura (con invitación)
Palmarés Pantalla Abierta
Una Noche en el Canodrómo
Trash entre Amigos
Concierto de Corazón Crudo
El Show de la Plasti
Taller para niños mayores de 14 años
Taller para niños de 6 a 9 años
Taller para niños de 10 a 14 años
Sounds and Sights
Clausura (con invitación)
Concierto Orquesta Ciudad de Alcalá
Concierto de Amparo Sánchez
Palmarés Cortos
Palmarés Pantalla Abierta
NCC: Nueva Comedia Cortita
Clausura (con invitación)
Concierto Orquesta Ciudad de Alcalá
Palmarés Cortos
Palmarés Pantalla Abierta
Short Music
Ignatius Farray
Cosas de Niños - El Show de la Plasti
Clausura (con invitación)
Palmarés cortos
Taller Capuchoc + Monólogo Carlo Pardial