In a veritable firework display of digital self-portraits, hundreds of quaint, embarrassing and dreadfully disturbing selfies were arranged in a unique short film composition. Single photos, artistically reworked, consolidate to form a ghastly grin that outshines the abyss of human existence.
1968 born in Lucerne, Switzerland. Studied Graphic Design and Animation in Lucerne, Liverpool and Kassel. In the year 1995 she did a scholarship year in Cracow. Now she is working as a freelance graphic artist and animator, based in Zurich.
"Islander‘s Rest" (2015) / "Schlaf" (2010) / "Die Seilbahn" (2008) / "Poldek" (2004) / ''Amok'' (1997) / ''Wolhstandskühe'' (1992) / ''Life'' (1990) / ''40 Messerstiche'' (1990) /''Hungry'' (1987)