Dark Chamber

Suecia. 2018. Color. 6 min. Ficción. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Otto Banovits.
  • Scriptwriter: Otto Banovits; Tomas Stark.
  • Cast: Dani Bejarono; Molly Brus Thurfjell; Linda Källgren; Jesper Thorsbrinq.
  • Cinematography: Pálos Gergely.
  • Editing: Dunai László.
  • Producer: Otto Banovits; Lena Kempe.

‘Dark Chamber’ is based on the true event of 71 illegal refugees who tragically died in a truck crossing a border somewhere in Europe.

Otto Banovits

Award-winning director based in Budapest, London and Stockholm. Born in Sweden, he then grew up in Hungary, where he gained a British education at the British International School, Budapest, where he completed the IB Diploma. He attended the University of Arts London where he obtained his BA Degree, following which he graduates a director in the M.A. Programme of the prestigious Stockholm Academy of the Dramatic Arts.

''Donkey Xote'' (2016) / ''Agapé'' (2014) 


  • · 11/09/2018 - 19:45 at Corral de Comedias